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When the animals are in pain, they don’t ask why. But when humans are in pain, normally they try to find the reasons for pain. And then, they also try to find the methods by means of which pain can be avoided, and pleasure can be increased. But when they are faced with death, then they realize that, they cannot avoid it. This makes them to learn more about life, and understand birth and death. Ever since the evolution of humans, right from the life inside the ancient caves till the lifestyle in the modern well-established houses in the multi-storeyed buildings, the questioning about life and health is continuous, and the finding of solutions to problems also is. Thus, when nature causes physical evolution, humans themselves cause mental evolution to some extent, by becoming intellectuals, and by studying about nature in more detail. As a result, some secrets of nature are being revealed, gradually enhancing the evolution. Even though this quest for truth is now prevalent all over the world among the intellectuals, the very first search did not start everywhere in the world. It specifically started in the region of India, sometime about 10,000 years before. Anyone who has studied the history in detail would approve this fact. And this search led to many types of penance and mental control, by means of which the science of yoga was evolved. Yoga is the science of self-realization, by means of which, the source of the mind gets known. And there lies the answer to the many unanswered questions. This book is a summary of such answers. There are still so many people all over the world, who still live like they are in the caves, and there are other dogmatic ones, who keep justifying their own belief systems. This book is not for them. This book is for those who are willing to learn through a new dimension. Some exposure to the Sanskrit terminologies and some knowledge of the yogic methodologies is a prerequisite for the reader.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Nearly two decades before, I had read a Kannada book on God, which had become very popular because of the thought provoking discussions within. But after finishing the reading of the book, I felt sad that the author did not try to explore the divine truth honestly, but instead had assumed a personification of God throughout. It seemed that the author apparently did not possess the knowledge of selfrealization, and had objected the divine concepts that are discussed in the sacred scriptures. Later on, I came to understand that there are many such writers who act as if they have understood the mysteries of life fully, and have written many such books negating the divine facts, and at times, ridiculing the spiritual beliefs. The ones who do not practice meditation, and the ones who do not understand the Holy Scriptures written by saints and sages, generally assume God as a person, and analyze life in a completely objective way. But life is basically subjective, as it is part of evolutionary play. Those who question the existence of God should question their very existence itself. If they are in need of any answer sincerely, the answer comes from within. It is as if the fishes are inside water, fishes are born in water and are dying in water, it is water everywhere inside and outside the fishes, it is the water that has given rise to fishes within itself through its own consciousness, the water has not separated itself from the fishes, and water is watching all the fishes always, and in spite of that, the fishes are not aware of the water that is the very cause for their existence. Some fishes, when they choose to switch off the external perceptions, and when they try to listen to the inner voice, realize the self that is within and without. That is when they connect to water. After thinking about this fact, an inspiration came to me from within that I should write an answer to all the objections that were present in the book that I read. And that is when I wrote an article called “Daiva” in Kannada. But there was no opportunity for me to get it published, and hence the manuscript remained with me for many years. Recently, my student cum disciple, Vijaykanth N. took an initiative to get it published, and I asked him to translate the same into English. This is the resulting book of his sincere and dedicated efforts. As the initial writing was basically for beginners, I thought of including additional written material in this particular book, so as to enhance the contents. I am indebted for the lifetime to my Guru Yogashree A. S. Narasimhamurthy, the founder Acharya of Adishankara Yoga Kendra, Bengaluru, without whose guidance, I would have been living quite an ordinary life. Due to the meditative practices that were taught by my Guru, due to the systematic study of the Holy Scriptures, and due to the absolute grace of the divine, spiritually inquisitive and intuitive thoughts used to occur to me very often, which I used to write down systematically. The same are included in this book, as God’s advices, Intuitive insights, and Spiritual puzzles. The Upanishads are the greatest gifts of ancient seers to the humankind. They are the resulting answers obtained for the spiritual penance of the ancient sages, finally leading to the systematic documentation. That is the reason the five great Acharyas had put efforts in writing commentaries on the important Upanishads. A few years back, a brief summary of the prime ten Upanishads was written through me, with the purpose of teaching them to the senior students of yoga. Now, the same is being reproduced here, for introducing the readers to the greatest wisdom on this earth. Except for the very first one, all the other articles mentioned above, were published earlier in “Yoga life”, the international monthly magazine of Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry, which was established by my Paramaguru Dr. Swami Geethananda Giri, and is now being managed by his wife Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and their son Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, who is successfully carrying the spiritual wisdom of the sacred lineage of seers. I am also greatly indebted to him for honoring me with the title of Yogacharya. It is hoped that the readers go through the complete contents of this book, so as to obtain a clear understanding that, this life is the gift of the divine. If this book helps the readers in living a physically and mentally as well as spiritually healthy life, then our purpose is fulfilled.
God – The Absolute
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: For those who are entangled in the materialistic pursuit, the only question arising will be the question of survival and mundane progress. But for those who have developed an intellectual quest for the search of the cause of life, so as to understand the true purpose of life, it is evident that, the cause of life is hidden in the material world itself, by means of which, materials join together to form the organs. Hence, irrespective of whether a person is theistic or atheistic, nobody can deny the cause for life. That's why Adi Shankaracharya mentions that he who negates God, negates himself. Thus, God's existence can be easily proved, but not God's non-existence. Since time immemorial, people have been searching, seeking, investigating, meditating, praying, worshipping, speaking and writing on the non-sensible cause. This particular book daiva ~ adwaya is the Kannada version of author's earlier book God - the absolute. This is an effort to provide more clarification to the readers about the cause of life, which in general terms is called as God. The other synonymous terms are: Consciousness, Brahman, Waheguru, Jehovah, Allah, Shen, Theos, Ahura Mazda, and so on. The book needs to be read through an unbiased open mind, so as to reduce the influence of social conditioning, so that the absolute truth can seep in. The author is a yOgAchArya and an Advanced Pranic Healer, who has more than 25 years of experience in healing and meditation. Hence, the author feels that this book becomes useful to the Kannada reader in finding the greater meaning of life. The author used to obtain flashes of intuitive thoughts, which he used to document for quite some time. They are made available here, along with the main content. In addition, a brief summary of the prime ten Upanishads is also provided, so as to help the reader to understand the cause, through the insight of the rshis. Some additional relevant reading material is also provided towards the end of the book. Later on, I came to understand that there are many such writers who act as if they have understood the mysteries of life fully, and have written many such books negating the divine facts, and at times, ridiculing the spiritual beliefs. The ones who do not practice meditation, and the ones who do not understand the Holy Scriptures written by saints and sages, generally assume God as a person, and analyze life in a completely objective way. But life is basically subjective, as it is part of evolutionary play. Those who question the existence of God should question their very existence itself. If they are in need of any answer sincerely, the answer comes from within. It is as if the fishes are inside water, fishes are born in water and are dying in water, it is water everywhere inside and outside the fishes, it is the water that has given rise to fishes within itself through its own consciousness, the water has not separated itself from the fishes, and water is watching all the fishes always, and in spite of that, the fishes are not aware of the water that is the very cause for their existence. Some fishes, when they choose to switch off the external perceptions, and when they try to listen to the inner voice, realize the self that is within and without. That is when they connect to water. After thinking about this fact, an inspiration came to me from within that I should write an answer to all the objections that were present in the book that I read. And that is when I wrote an article called “Daiva” in Kannada. But there was no opportunity for me to get it published, and hence the manuscript remained with me for many years. Recently, my student cum disciple, Vijaykanth N. took an initiative to get it published, and I asked him to translate the same into English. This is the resulting book of his sincere and dedicated efforts. As the initial writing was basically for beginners, I thought of including additional written material in this particular book, so as to enhance the contents. I am indebted for the lifetime to my Guru Yogashree A. S. Narasimhamurthy, the founder Acharya of Adishankara Yoga Kendra, Bengaluru, without whose guidance, I would have been living quite an ordinary life. Due to the meditative practices that were taught by my Guru, due to the systematic study of the Holy Scriptures, and due to the absolute grace of the divine, spiritually inquisitive and intuitive thoughts used to occur to me very often, which I used to write down systematically. The same are included in this book, as God’s advices, Intuitive insights, and Spiritual puzzles. The Upanishads are the greatest gifts of ancient seers to the humankind. They are the resulting answers obtained for the spiritual penance of the ancient sages, finally leading to the systematic documentation. That is the reason the five great Acharyas had put efforts in writing commentaries on the important Upanishads. A few years back, a brief summary of the prime ten Upanishads was written through me, with the purpose of teaching them to the senior students of yoga. Now, the same is being reproduced here, for introducing the readers to the greatest wisdom on this earth. Except for the very first one, all the other articles mentioned above, were published earlier in “Yoga life”, the international monthly magazine of Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry, which was established by my Paramaguru Dr. Swami Geethananda Giri, and is now being managed by his wife Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and their son Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, who is successfully carrying the spiritual wisdom of the sacred lineage of seers. I am also greatly indebted to him for honoring me with the title of Yogacharya. It is hoped that the readers go through the complete contents of this book, so as to obtain a clear understanding that, this life is the gift of the divine. If this book helps the readers in living a physically and mentally as well as spiritually healthy life, then our purpose is fulfilled.
ದೈವ – ಅದ್ವಯ
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Human beings have been searching for the cause of life, and this mysterious cause is hidden in the material world itself, called as prANa in Sanskrit. This has been known to the spiritual practitioners since time immemorial, and methods have been formulated in yogic science as well as in material science, to experience, to enhance, and to detect. People belonging to the Theosophical society and to the New age spiritual research have already documented their findings, and have written many books on the subject. Scientists such as Kirlean and Korotkov have designed the technical equipment for the detection and recording of such subtle energy fields. In addition, masters such as Mikao Usui and Choa Kok Sui have developed systematic methodologies for energetic therapy and Pranic healing, for the restoration of health. This particular book dEhadarshana written in Kannada, is an effort to provide better clarification to the Kannada readers about the subtle aspects of life, which cannot be perceived directly by the sensory abilities. The author is a yOgAchArya and Advanced Pranic Healer, who has more than 25 years of experience in healing and meditation, and some of the findings of the author are also described in the book. The concept of panchakOsha or the subtle existence of life is explained at length, with reference to the yogic science, along with suitable diagrams. Health has three dimensions: physical, mental, spiritual. As the author has been studying these domains, he has been collecting the relevant numeric words since last three decades, and all of them are summarized in the middle portion of the book. This serves as a ready reckoner to the readers, to have a bird's eye view of yOga-vEdAnga-vEdAntha-purANa-Agama-prakaraNa-AyurvEda-thanthra. At the concluding chapter, the process of self-realization and liberation in reference with the ancient sanAthana philosophy is discussed in sufficient detail. It is hoped that Kannada readers will make use of the information provided, live a better quality of life, and maintain health in all three dimensions.
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Drshya Madhyama
This is a set of six video DVDs with Kannada instructions for the practice of six sets of yogasanas, which are as follows – I. Basic asanas, II. Loosening exercises (Shithileekarana vyayama – eyes, neck, hands, legs, standing, rigorous), III. Namaskara exercises (Chandra namaskara, Soorya namaskara), IV. Advanced asanas, V. Postures for the hands and legs, VI. Specialized sitting postures. The yogasana practices are videographed in a natural atmosphere, each asana with two practitioners, with one practitioner in the front pose, and the other practitioner in the side pose. In total, about 150 yogasana practices are videographed and recorded, for the benefit of the yogic aspirants.
To own a copy, write to us @ vijay@sacredyoga.in

Shravana Madhyama
This is an audio DVD with Kannada instructions for the sacred practices of Ashtangayoga. The DVD consists mainly of 20 mp3 files, which are as follows – I. Introduction to yoga, II. Six sets of yogasana practices, III. Preparatory practices for pranayama, IV. Six sets of pranayama practices, V. Six sets of Dhyana practices. In total, about 150 yogasana practices, 24 pranayama practices, 6 prathyahara practices, 12 dharana practices and 6 dhyana practices are audio recorded, for the benefit of the yogic aspirants.To own a copy, write to us @ vijay@sacredyoga.in