
Asana (About 150)

(To be preceeded by Muhka dhauthi, Greeva mudra and Vyaghra kriya)
I. Basic asanas

Vajrasana (ekakin, gulpha, utthitha), Vrshasana – Shashangasana, Suptha vajrasana, Pathanga kriya & Baddhakonasana, Mandookasana – Paryankasana, Vakrasana, Pashchimotthana kriya and asana, Ardha mathsyendrasana, Padotthana kriya, Shirotthana kriya, Navasana, Sethubandhasana, Sarvangasana – Janusheersha kriya and asana – Vipareethakaranimudra and kriya, Mathsyasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana

II. Loosening exercises (Shithileekarana vyayama)

EYES: (Vajrasana)

1. Up-down
2. Left-right
3. Semi circle
4. Linga mudra
5. Full circle
6. ∞ and 8 (savya, apasavya)

NECK: (Swasthikasana)

1. Up-down
2. Left-right
3. Semi circle
4. Naga mudra
5. Full circle
6. ∞ and 8 (savya, apasavya)

HANDS: (Ardha padmasana)

1. Left-right movement of the palms
2. Up-down movement of the palms
3. Spreading of the palms (front)
4. Flicking of the palms (downwards)
5. Front-back movement of the hands
6. Mukula mudra on shoulders

LEGS: (Dandasana)

1. Left-right movement of feet
2. Up-down movement of feet
3. Circular movement of feet
4. Knees massage (savya, apasavya)
5. Lolaka kriya (individual)
6. Deerghavrththa kriya

STANDING: (Sthavasana)

1. Knee rotation (savya, apasavya)
2. Waist rotation (savya, apasavya)
3. Hand rotation - individual & alternate
4. Avarthana-nivarthana kriya
5. Padahastha kriya
6. Uthkata kriya

STANDING: (Sthavasana)

1. Kshwelana kriya
2. Thandava kriya
3. Twisted jumping (with clenched fists)
4. Seva kriya
5. Ardha-kati kriya
6. Jumping [alternate & together]
III. Namaskara exercises

CHANDRA NAMASKARA: Pranamasana, Thadasana, Thiryak Thadasana, Uthkata konasana, Nakshathrasana, Utthitha thrikonasana, Parshwotthanasana, Vanarasana, Parshwapadasana, Maalasana, Parshwapadasana, Vanarasana, Parshwotthanasana, Utthitha thrikonasana, Nakshathrasana, Uthkata konasana, Thiryak Thadasana, Thadasana, Pranamasana

SOORYA NAMASKARA: Sthavasana, Pranamasana, Hastha utthanasana, Pada hasthasana, Ashwasanchalanasana, Marjalasana, Kokilasana, Ashtanga namaskara, Bhujangasana, Marjalasana, Ashwasanchalanasana, Pada hasthasana, Hastha utthanasana, Pranamasana

IV. Advanced asanas

Niralamba kriya (alternate & together), Jataraparivarthana kriya, Markata kriya (alternate & together), Vasishtasana, Ananthasana, Ushtrasana, Kakasana – Bakasana, Thrikonasana, Parshwakonasana, Veerabhadrasana, Parivrtha konasana, Natarajasana, Vrkshasana, Garudasana, Gomukhasana – Gopuchcha kriya, Hala kriya and asana – Karnapeedasana – Rundasana, Vilomasana, Shashankasana, Nikunja kriya and asana, Bhadrasana – Dharmikasana – Simhasana, Mayuri asana, Pavanamuktha kriya and asana, Krounchasana

V. Postures for the hands and legs

Karasanchalana kriya, Uththolana kriya, Parivrtha kriya, Marjala kriya, Poorvotthanasana, Chathushpadasana and kriya, Chathushpadapeeta and kriya, Sarpasana and kriya, Thripadasana and Dwipadasana, Thripadapeeta and Dwipadapeeta, Chathuranga dandasana – Nakrasana, Utthitha Vasishtasana, Prasaritha Thandava kriya, Ardhachandrasana, Padangushtasana, Veerabhadra kriya, Prasaritha padotthanasana, Utthitha hasthapadangushtasana, Noukasana & Makara kriya, Vipareetha karani asana

VI. Specialized sitting postures

Narthana kriya (front, sideways), Udvarthana kriya, Kshobhana kriya (body and head), Mareechasana, Parvathasana, Kukkutasana and kriya (Dwipada, Ekapada), Padmapoorvotthanasana, Koormasana, Tholasana, Exercises lying on the back {leg rotation, cycling, flicking}, Akarna dhanurasana, Padmasarvangasana, Upavishta konasana, Padmamathsyasana, Merudandasana and kriya, Yogamudrasana, Bharadwajasana

Pranayama (24)

Nadi shodhana kriya, Mahathyoga, Savithri, Nadi shuddhi, Bandhathraya, Panchasahitha, Kapalabhathi, Kaki, Naga, Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedha, Mandala pranayama, Agnisara kriya, Sooryabhedana, Ujjayee, Sheethkaree, Sheethalee, Swasthashwasa, Vilomashwasa, Bhasthrika, Ekadasha kriya (basic and advanced), Nadi shodhana pranayama, Gayathree pranayama

Prathyahara (6)

Marmasthana jnanakriya, Hiranyagarbha jnanakriya, Mandasmitha jnanakriya, Adhara jnanakriya, Pranapatha jnanakriya, Sandhisthana jnanakriya

Dharana (12)

Mandala dharana, Sapthabindu dharana, Gayathree dharana, Ganesha dharana, Sooryamandala dharana, Thrivenee dharana, Soham kriya, Bindubhedana kriya, Shakthipatha kriya, Mudranushtana kriya, Panchakoshadharana kriya, Ajapajapa kriya

Dharana (12)

Hamsayoga, Nadayoga, Japayoga, Shreechakra dhyana, Panchadashee japa, Pranava dhyana


      1. Yogapravesha (Kannada) – by Ajithakumara
      2. Pathanjala yogadarshana (Kannada) – by Swami Adidevananda
      3. Science of pranayama – by Swami Sivananda
      4. Man and his bodies – by Annie Besant
      5. Rajayoga – by Swami Vivekananda
      6. Yogatharavali – Adi Shankaracharya’s treatise translated by Sri A.S. Narasimhamurthy
      7. Hatayoga pradeepika – Swathmarama’s treatise translated by Swami Vishnudevananda
      8. Health in your hands – by Devendra Vora
      9. Living with the Himalayan masters – by Swami Rama
      10. Autobiography of a yogi – by Paramahamsa Yogananda
      11. Hands of light – by Barbara Ann Brennan
      12. Man, visible and invisible – by C.W. Leadbeater
      13. The ancient science and art of pranic healing – by Master Choa Kok Sui
      14. Prana : the secret of yogic healing – by Atreya
      15. Ancient wisdom – by Annie Besant
      16. Gayathri – by I.K. Thaimini
      17. Prana, pranayama, prana vidya – by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswathi
      18. Chakra and kundalini workbook – by Dr. John Mumford
      19. Concentration and meditation – by Swami Sivananda
      20. The Bhagavadgeetha – published by Geetha press, Gorakhpur
      21. Thanthrayoga, Nadayoga and Kriyayoga – by Swami Sivananda
      22. Kundalini thanthra – by Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi
      23. Meditation and manthras – by Swami Vishnudevananda
      24. Light emerging – by Barbara Ann Brennan
      25. The Tao of physics – by Fritjof Capra
      26. The vedas – by Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi
      27. The science of yoga – by I.K. Thaimini
      28. A study in consciousness – by Annie Bessant
      29. World as power – by Sir John Woodroffe
      30. Meditation and spiritual life – by Swami Yatheeshwarananda


PREREQUISITE: Learn Samskrtha language (to read, to write, to speak)
Preparatory module (Poorvabhyasa)

1. Athmabodha – Adi Shankara

2. Shathakathraya – Bharthrhari

3. Yogashasthra – Daththathreya

4. Dashopanishath – Ancient seers

5. Chanakyaneethi – Vishnuguptha

Module-1 (Paramavidya):
Module-2 (Jeevanavidya):
Self realization (Why am I here?)
Self adaptation (How am I living?)
06. Yogasoothra – Pathanjali
11. Panchadashee – Vidyaranya
07. Bhagavadgeetha – Vedavyasa
12. Gherandasamhitha – Gheranda
08. Aparokshanubhoothi – Adi Shankara
13. Vasishtasangraha – Anonymous
09. Hatayogapradeepika – Swathmarama
14. Ashtavakrageetha – Anonymous
10. Vedarthasangraha – Ramanujacharya
15. Vivekachoodamani – Adi Shankara
Module-3 (Dharmavidya):
Module-4 (Thanthravidya):
Self modification (How should I live?)
Self transformation (What will I become?)
16. Manusmrthi – Manu
21. Yogayajnavalkya – Anonymous
17. Brahmasoothra – Vedavyasa
22. Kularnavathanthra – Anonymous
18. Shivaswarodaya – Anonymous
23. Mahanirvanathanthra – Anonymous
19. Avadhoothageetha – Anonymous
24. Vijnanabhairavathanthra – Anonymous
20. Upadeshasahasree – Adi Shankara
25. Thanthrasarasangraha – Madhwacharya

During the course: a) Sing & study the songs (Sharana, Dasa, Sarvajna, Shareefa, Kabeer)
                                   b) Sing & study Mankuthimmana Kagga and Marulamuniyana Kagga

01. Gurugeetha – Vedavyasa (M-1)
07. Shivasoothra – Vasuguptha (M-3)
02. Amarakosha – Amarasimha (M-1)
08. Vedanthasara – Sadananda (M-3)
03. Shivaswarodaya – Anonymous (M-1)
09. Anubhashya – Madhwacharya (M-3)
04. Hatarathnavalee – Sreenivasa (M-2)
10. Naishkarmyasiddhi – Sureshwara (M-4)
05. Tharkasangraha – Annambhatta (M-2)
11. Jeevanmukthiviveka – Vidyaranya (M-4)
06. Prabodhasudhakara – Adi Shankara (M-2)
12. Subhashitharathnabhandagara – ! (M-4)


1. Paramartha chinthamani – Sachchidanandendra Saraswathee

2. Mahanarayanopanishath – H.S. Lakshmeenarasimhamurthy

3. Brahmavidye – Sachchidanandendra Saraswathee

4. Badukalu kaliyiri – Swami Jagadathmananda

5. Vaidika sahithya charithre – Dr. N. S. Anantha Rangachar

6. Brhadyogadarshana – Compiled by Raghavendra swameeji, Malladihalli

7. Vedanthasara – Translated by Swami Harshananda

8. Vedanthadindima – Sachchidanandendra Saraswathee

9. Athmabodha – Translated by Swami Harshananda

10. Sathyartha prakasha – Translated by Sudhakara Chathurvedee

11. Sadashiva Brahmendrara jeevana charithre – T. P. Vinayaka Rao

12. Shree Shankaracharyaru – Baladeva upadhyaya

13. Swayamvaidya – Raghavendra swameeji, Malladihalli

14. Manuja, enu ninna ahara? – G. V. V. Shasthri

15. Swasthya sadachara soothragalu – Upendra bhoopala

16. Yogavasishta – Translated by Nagesh Rango Kulakarni

17. Vyavaharabhanu – Swami Dayananda Saraswathee

18. Vaidika prashnoththara mala – Siddhagopala “kavirathna”

19. Vedoktha jeevana patha – Sudhakara Chathurvedee

20. Vaidika siddhantha rathnavali – Sathyapala Sharma

21. Avasthathraya chandrike – Sachchidanandendra Saraswathee

22. Nalku yogagalu – Swami Jnaneshwarananda

23. Mudra prapancha – K. Rangaraja Ayyangar

24. Shree shankarasamsmarana – Devaraya Kulakarni

25. Yegdagalle aithe – Belagere Krshnashasthree


1. Gospel of Ramakrshna / Ramakrshna vachanaveda – published by Ramakrshna Ashrama

2. Scientist’s search for truth / Vijnaniya sathyanweshane – Swami Virajeshwara

3. You forever / Maranavillada neevu – T. Lobsang Rampa

4. Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master / Himalaya guruvina garadiyaali – Sri M.


1. Yoga, enlightenment and perfection – Abhinava Vidyatheertha

2. Man’s eternal quest – Paramahamsa yogananda

3. Meditation, oneness and physics – Glen Peter Kezwer

4. The hidden side of things –C. W. Leadbeater

5. How to know God – Deepak Chopra

6. Thripura rahasya – Translated by Swami Ramanananda Saraswathee

7. Health and wellness – Dr. M. Ted Morter

8. You can win – Shiv khera

9. Seven habits of highly effective people – Stephen R. Covie

10. The physics of karma – V. Dwaraknath Reddy

11. How to remain ever happy –M. K. Gupta

12. Tao-Te-Ching – Lao Tzu

13. Ayurveda: life, health and longevity – Robert E. Svoboda

14. Ayurvedic healing – David Frawley

15. Practical ayurveda – Athreya

16. Taoist yoga and Chi kung – Eric Steven Yudelove

17. Yoga choodamani Upanishad – Translated by Swami Sathyadharma

18. Swara yoga – Translated by Swami Mukthibodhananda

19. The Silva mind control method – Jose Silva

20. The science of psychic healing – Yogi Ramacharaka

21. Ageless body, Timeless mind – Deepak Chopra

22. I am that – Nisargadaththa Maharaj

23. Be still, it is the wind that sings – Arthur Osborne

24. Frankly speaking – Swami Geethananda Giri

25. Thought forms – Annie Besant & C. W. Leadbeater

26. Invisible helpers – C. W. Leadbeater

27. The third eye – T. Lobsang Rampa

28. Kundalini yoga – Swami Shivananda

29. Kundalini, the secret of yoga – Gopi Krshna

30. Mudras – Gertrud Hirschi

31. The serpent power – John Woodroffe

32. Astral travel – Gavin & Frost

33. Astral odyssey – Carol Eby

34. Man, the unknown – Alexis Carrel

35. Mystery of death – Swami Abhedananda

36. Life after death – Deepak Chopra

37. Life after life – Raymond A. Moody

38. The Tibetan book of living and dying – Sogyal Rinpoche

39. Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

40. Laws of the spirit world – Khorshed Bhavnagri

41. Principles of Thanthra – John Woodroffe

42. Meditations from the Thanthras – Swami Sathyananda Saraswathee

43. Ramtha: the white book – J. Z. Knight

44. Simple guide to the psychic – Margaret M

45. The etheric double, the health aura of man – Arthur E. Powell

46. The astral body, and other astral phenomena – Arthur E. Powell

47. The mental body – Arthur E. Powell

48. The causal body and the ego – Arthur E. Powell

49. Isis unveiled – H. P. Blavatsky

50. The secret doctrine – H. P. Blavatsky