
01 - What yoga is not

04 - Art & science of eating

07 - Pictures of aura

10 - Learning process

13 - Vikasavidya

02 - Pranayama class

05 - Sense organs

08 - Memory class

11 - Srichakra class

14 - Sacred Secret

16 - Samskrtha Words

03 - More about yoga

06 - Dharana class

09 - Gayathri class

12 - Paramparaa

15 - Samskrtha Pravesha


01. Ant philosophy

04. Butterfly wisdom

07. Monkeys & banana

10. Sri Yanthra

13. Others about India

16. Rampa's sayings

02. Be useful anyway

05. Fantastic trip

08. Paradox of our times

11. Superstars

14. Essence of Geetha

17. AhAra - Arogya

03. Blue beauty

06. How big are you

09. Self development

12. Visual and Oral tests

15. Yoga Food Concepts

18. Great Sayings